Do you find yourself grappling with oily skin and hair as the summer heat intensifies? The onset of summer often brings a host of dermatological concerns, particularly oily skin and hair issues. Fortunately, Ayurveda offers simple and accessible remedies to tackle these problems using common ingredients found in your home. These remedies are both effective and convenient, fitting seamlessly into your busy schedule.
1. Milk
Harness the natural, soothing benefits of milk to address oily skin concerns. Just soak a cotton ball in milk and gently cleanse your face with it twice daily, preferably before bedtime. For enhanced cleansing, you can incorporate a few drops of lemon juice onto the cotton ball.
2. Orange
Orange juice concentrate is rich in Vitamin C, which is beneficial for the skin. Extract the juice from half an orange into a bowl and apply it to your face using a cotton ball. Leave it on for approximately ten to fifteen minutes before rinsing off.
Related: Effective Strategies for Achieving Youthful Skin
3. Sandalwood and turmeric
A blend of sandalwood and turmeric paste can be applied to both the face and the scalp. Combine sandalwood and turmeric powder, and mix it with water or lemon juice. Apply this paste to your face and scalp, leaving it on for approximately ten to fifteen minutes before rinsing off.
4. Aloe Vera
It’s practical and beneficial to cultivate Aloe at home due to its versatile healing properties for various dermatological concerns. Alternatively, Aloe leaves are readily accessible at supermarkets. Aloe serves as a potent anti-inflammatory agent.
Simply remove the green outer layers of the leaf to reveal the transparent, gel-like substance inside. Mash this gel in a bowl using your fingers and apply it to your face and hair. Leave it on for approximately ten minutes or until it dries, then rinse off. This can serve as an excellent Ayurvedic face wash for oily skin.
5. Honey
This honey treatment targets hair care specifically. Combine one egg yolk with two tablespoons of honey. Add lukewarm water and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting paste directly onto the scalp. Leave it on for a few hours before rinsing off thoroughly.
6. Water
Heat some water until it reaches a lukewarm temperature. Using a cotton swab, thoroughly cleanse your face to remove dirt from your pores. Next, take an ice cube from the freezer and gently rub it across your face, paying particular attention to the “T” zone. This process helps to tighten the pores on your face. Repeat this routine once daily for a few weeks to experience gradual yet gratifying results.
7. Eggs and Lemon
Besides sounding reminiscent of a continental breakfast, a blend of egg yolk and lemon juice serves as an ideal remedy for an oily scalp. Combine the juice of two lemons with two eggs. Massage this mixture onto your scalp and leave it on for approximately an hour. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.
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